Thursday, January 12, 2012

The blessings of life.....

pine cone
As I am sitting here counting my blessings, I realize just how much I really have to be thankful for.  Even though sometimes life doesn't seem fair and it may seem as though I am not getting all the opportunities to do things dumped in my lap like someone else doesn't mean that I am less useful to God.
There's times when I look at someone else and say to myself:  she should be perfectly happy, she has all he gifts/talents/opportunities that everyone else would like to have and she seems to have a smooth relationship with everyone around her.  And then I am reminded that God has blessed that person with that while He has chosen to bless me with other things.... and me thinking that another person has everything I want is jealous and selfish.

So I chose to count the things I have as gifts from God because really, He doesn't have favorite people, He loves us all the same, so He's not going to give one person everything and the next person nothing
To begin with, I have been given the gift of salvation while there are many in the world who have never even heard the Gospel. (or the name of Jesus for that matter)   Because of the extreme torture, sorrow, & pain of my Lord, I have been given unending mercy, love, grace, healing, forgiveness,.... the list could go on & on.     I have a godly heritage. (that is another thing that so many don't have)    I live in a free country where I can share my faith, and worship unhindered while many Christians are tortured and killed for their faith.  I have the complete Bible while many count themselves blessed to have just one or two pages.  I have plenty of clothes, food, water, fresh air, etc........ The question is;  What more could I want?     Living in a place where everything and more is within a hands reach I become discontent with what I don't have.   But those things I don't have that I think are so important are really of no eternal value when I think about it.  In the Bible it says to;   Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.(Col. 3:2)     it also says;   Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have : for he hath said , I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Heb. 13:5)

 I am challenged to live each day, counting the blessings of life!

         The well of Providence is deep, it's the buckets we bring to it that are small.    Mary Webb

Note: this was written on Wednesday, I'm having fun with automatic posting :) 

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