Hi people!
So I realize that It has been a little more than 2 months since the sun has shone on this blog... I will try to do better!
Yesterday I was at work, most times nothing un-ordinary happens but yesterday was not so. Here is the story... it is pretty long, due to my not knowing how to shorten things like this....
It was 5:00 and the last customer had just gone out the door. I was restocking shelves and cleaning up when suddenly I looked out the window and saw that the customer hadn't left yet. (I will add here that It was a very old couple, they had purchased a large number of jar goods so there was a lot of weight in the box for them to carry out...but they didn't think they needed my help.) With a little more examination I realized that the man was on the ground beside the truck. Oh great! I thought to myself... this is perfect, since I have no experience lifting old people! I went out to see if I could be of help, the woman was trying to lift up the man by his belt and wasn't getting very far... apparently he had set the box of jars on the back seat of the truck and was turning around to get into the drivers seat... and fell down. -Here I will say that the parking lot is gravel and he was beginning to feel it on his knees. I asked if I should/could call the ambulance but they were not at all fond of that idea. He said all he needed was a couple strong guys and wondered if there were any close by that could be of assistance. So I ran across the drive to the neighbors and told them what the matter was and asked if any of the guys were around to come help... The brother was around so he came down...I tried to tell him what the case was and we both agreed that neither had any experience lifting people like this. The only thing we knew is that we needed a gate belt...which we didn't have... but it was clear they did not want an ambulance...soo... as we approached the store the poor man on the ground told us that he weighs 240 lbs. This is perfect I told myself... They don't want the ambulance, just 2 strong guys... only one was around. The way the man was situated between the truck doors there was no room for a person on each side so David (the neighbor) tried lifting him as best as he could and suddenly there was a pop and the man groaned and said it felt like his shoulder had just dislocated and that we should wait a little before trying it again... so we waited and then tried again... and saw that it was not going to work. So I asked again if I may please call the ambulance and they agreed that would be better. So I call 911 (I had never done this before but they are very helpful which is good! ) soon they were there and the man was in the truck and the EMT's left. Then the little woman came in and thanked me for my help and proceeded to say that her husband has some kind of disease which causes low oxygen.... but she thinks he will be OK. I gave her my best regards and she said that they plan to be back on Friday and we are to save 3 big rolls of butter for them....
I am thankful that this don't happen everyday as it creates more stress and drama than asked for but I do sincerely hope that the elderly mans shoulder is
not dislocated and I think I also learned that it is not smart to try lifting people (esp. 240 lb. people) when you have no experience! Mary and Dorcas tell me this last bit of wisdom....
Goodnight Ya'll...