Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My sisters....

...are such nice people to live with....
(I know, It probably seems as though I do alot of posts about my sisters/family etc. but you'll have to excuse me 'cause I rather like to post about them! not meaning to brag or anything ...:)

                      And even though I don't live with Sara anymore I still rather like to go visit her:)

I have been thankful many times over for my sisters, we have good discussions, they give good advice,(we are glad for good advice are we not?:) With them, you never have to go places all by yourself, they provide laughter.... and more good discussions:) They are always there for you and you know that they will pray for you. It's always amazing when I think about what an influence they have had on my life,  I know that how I view certain things in life is largely because of my older sisters influence & example, ( and those good discussions... *winks*)   My sisters are some of my best friends and for that I am extremely grateful. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Follow You

Today I heard this song and I was inspired to post it, (along with my favorite quote right now..... )It made me wonder if I would really be willing to go to all extremes to follow my Lord, we say that we are Christians and that we would do anything for God but sometimes I wonder... if it actually came down to leaving "our life" (as we know it)would we really follow through with what we say we would? Would I be willing to leave all comfort behind just to tell others about God & perhaps risk my life?  So often I think; someone else can do it. but really, that command wasn't just given to a few people, it was given to all who bear the name of Christ!

You lived among the least of these,
The weary and the weak,
And it would be a tragedy for me to turn away.

All my needs, you have supplied.                                                  
When I was dead, you gave me life.
How could I not give it away so freely?

And I'll follow you into the homes of the broken,
Follow you into the world.
Meet the needs for the poor and the needy, God.
Follow you into the World.

Use my hands, use my feet,
To make your kingdom come,
To the corners of the earth,
Until your work is done.
Cause Faith without works is dead,
And on the cross your blood was shed.
So how could I not give it away so freely?

                                               He walks the streets where we refuse to go,
                                            passes among the last ones we have forgotten,
                                       weeps at the pain and the shame of the city, and wonders...
                                         Where is the Church for which He died?    ~Unknown
                            "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature."
                                                                           Mark 16:15