This time of year always makes me think of why Jesus came. We all know that He came to free us of our sins & that we can now live with Him in Heaven someday, but the following words of a song has made me realize a deeper reason why He had to go through everything He did. We will never go through anything worse than what Jesus did, & He had to go through all this so that He would understand everything we go through. It's humbling to realize that He did it all just so He could know each one of us personally, so that we all can be forgiven of our sins. He did it all for me. AND HE DID IT WILLINGLY!
If Jesus had the riches of earth, the
poor would never know the abundance of Heaven.
If the Lord had lived in a palace, the
homeless would never know a refuge.
If the Savior had not been rejected the
outcast would not know acceptance.
If the Redeemer had not been cast into the dungeon,
the shackled would never know freedom.
And if my Champion had not fought the raging forces of hell,
the soldiers of earth would never know the peace of Heaven!
If our Savior hadn't gone through all of this there would be no refuge for the homeless children, there would be no acceptance for the little 5 year old girl who lives daily with verbal (& maybe physical) abuse. If the tomb wasn't found empty there would be no hope for any of us. I so often take for granted that someone actually went through pain, & turmoil, & rejection just so that there would be hope for my life!
Oh Hallelujah He is Risen
Hallelujah, Praise the Lamb
Who conquered death and hell, Who died and rose again!
In an empty tomb they realized what Christ Himself had prophesied
That death could never hold their King!
For when they found nothing, they found everything!